PICOT-Statistical Tests Nursing Research
For your PICOT state which statistic you would select to assess the effectiveness of your PICOT intervention.
What level of measurement is required for using your selected statistical test?
Provide an example of how your selected statistical test could be used in a nursing research study.
PICOT Question: In elementary-age children, what impact does the use of an inhaler and spacer together, rather than using the inhaler alone, have on the child’s need for emergency medications or improved airflow over a 6 month period?
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This is a great post. The use of nursing informatics to address the increased incidence of syncope and fatalities among cardiac patients in the cardiac clinic is admirable. A possible method for data collection is the use of wearable Holter cardiac devices. I have a few questions to understand the scenario and data application better. First, are the readings from wearable devices being revie
PICOT Question: In elementary-age children, what impact does using an inhaler and spacer together, rather than the inhaler alone, have on the child’s need for emergency medications or improved airflow over a 6-month period?
The statistical method used will be the independent-samples t-test (or independent t-test, for short). This test compares the means of two unrelated groups on the same continuous, dependent variable (Laerd, n.d).
The level of measurements required are, the dependent variable is measured on a continuous scale, which is the need for emergency medication measured in the number of times a child rakes the medication, or improved airflow measured in terms of decreased duration between the last time the medication was taken (the longer the duration, the more improved the airflow). The independent variables use an inhaler with a spacer or inhalers without a spacer. The independent observation means there is no relationship between the observations of the groups; in this study, the participants in one group will have an inhaler with a spacer, while the other group will use inhalers without a spacer.
An example of how the independent sample t-test can be used in nursing research is when a study investigates whether weight loss or an exercise intervention is more effective in reducing the levels of cholesterol in participants who are overweight. The researcher can recruit a random sample of overweight participants and split them into two groups, with the first group being put on a calorie-controlled diet while the second group undertaking an exercise training program. The mean cholesterol concentration is compared between the two groups at the end of the research period to determine the most effective intervention.
Laerd Statistics (n.d). Independent t-test using SPSS Statistics https://statistics.laerd.com/spss-tutorials/independent-t-test-using-spss-statistics.php
We’ll write everything from scratch
wed immediately, or are there delays? How frequently do clinicians contact patients or caregivers based on data trends or alerts? Notably, predictive analytics may be useful in data analysis as additional ideas for using nursing informatics principles (Wilson & Obasanya, 2022). It can spot trends and potential cardiac risk factors using algorithms and machine learning and identify which patients are more at risk. It is important to utilize telehealth or virtual care platforms to educate and support patients and their carers and remotely monitor patients (Babaei et al., 2023). This can provide them the motivation they need to take the essential steps to avoid syncope and enhance patient outcomes. The care team may also find implementing a thorough data management system advantageous in facilitating collaboration and data exchange among various healthcare professionals involved in treating cardiac patients.
Babaei, N., Zamanzadeh, V., Valizadeh, L., Lotfi, M., Samad-Soltani, T., Kousha, A., & Avazeh, M. (2023). A scoping review of virtual care in the health system: infrastructures, barriers, and facilitators. Home Health Care Services Quarterly, 1–28. https://doi.org/10.1080/01621424.2023.2166888
Wilson, G. M., & Obasanya, M. (2022). Principles of Health Informatics. Health Informatics, 15–38. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-91237-6_2
We’ll write everything from scratch
Respond to at least two of your colleagues* on two different days, asking questions to help clarify the scenario and applic